Stuart Taylor
President and CEO, Allied Forces Foundation
View LinkedIn ProfileSince 2011, Stuart Taylor has served as the President and CEO, of the Allied Forces Foundation, Inc., (AFF) an American-British philanthropic organization that promotes awareness and funding for the common wounded, ill and injured (WII) service personnel and their families affected by the conflicts and most recently Iraq and Afghanistan.
The AFF is unique in many ways; not least it is formed as a joint American-British foundation pledged to recognize and support the steadfast alliance, and specifically those wounded – and the families of those wounded – in the conflicts following 9/11. Our motto is: “May All Our Comrades Be Our Cause“. The AFF has had over sixteen allied countries participate in our international events, opening the doors to other injured serviceman that have fought alongside the American and British in joint operations and sharing their experiences of recovery.
The AFF is committed to improving the Quality of Life of our common wounded and their families in four specific areas:
- Raising common awareness and funds in support of physical & mental rehabilitation by the challenge of team marathons which aid the rekindling of pride and well-being;
- Raising common awareness and funds in the facilitation of educational scholarships within the US and UK for children of the severely wounded;
- Raising common awareness and funds in the addressing in-patient & out-patient treatment for PTSD and other non-visible wounds;
- Raising awareness, funds and opportunity for vacation to ease the burden of constant care for those who directly support our common wounded.
Mr. Taylor served 25 distinguished years with the British Army where he rose too the position of Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1) Command Sergeant Major. Mr. Taylor completed his last deployment in Afghanistan 2010-2011 with the UK Counter IED Task Force where he saw the impact to casualties effected by blast and ballistic attacks. This drove him to support the needs of wounded warriors, families, and caregivers with challenge-based events. Mr. Taylor is the President & CEO of Stucan Solutions, Corp a Defense and Security consultancy supporting international companies penetrate the U.S. market and is based out of Leesburg, Virginia.